The plank is a widely used exercise to build core strength. When done optimally, it can build core strength and improve shoulder and spine stabilization.
To get the most benefits from the plank, you want to follow the simple plan of A-B-C.
A stands for alignment of the joints. As outlined in the photos above, maintain your rib cage in alignment with your hips and pelvis. When you can do this, it maintains optimal spine alignment, allowing your core muscles to naturally turn on to maintain this posture without having to 'pull' them in.
B is for three-dimensional breathing. Breathing in a three-dimensional manner allows you to use your deepest core muscle, the diaphragm, maximally. It also helps support your spine in the plank position.
C is for control. Control is when we use the correct effort for the task while maintaining A and B.
Start with the wall plank with the arms extended. Focus on maintaining the above...
The dictionary defines posture as the position or bearing of the body, whether characteristic or assumed for a particular purpose. Various postures are assumed for many reasons, including the military, fashion model, and bodybuilder, also to appear thinner, taller, shorter, and others.
What posture is good for the health of your body?
When we consider 'optimal' posture, it would ideally be efficient, meaning the least amount of muscular effort while maintaining alignment of the body's joints.
The first picture below demonstrates optimal versus suboptimal standing posture.
The second picture demonstrates how to create a more optimal posture.
1. At the head: Imagine a hook under the small bump on the back of the head, and it suspends your head towards the ceiling. This will help lengthen your...
According to the National Council on Aging, every 11 seconds, an adult is seen in the E.R. for a fall-related injury,
The end of September was Fall Prevention week in the U.S. As a promotion, the National Council on Aging wrote the article, Debunking the Myths of Older Adult Falls. Of the ten myths listed, #3-#5 stuck out the most.
Physical activity is one of the best ways to build and maintain strength and flexibility. Strength and flexibility are essential to balance.
A few months ago, we covered a few things you can do to work on your balance. They included:
These will go a long way to improving your balance, flexibility, and core strength.
The best thing you can do if you...
According to a recent article published by the NIH (July 2022), back pain remains one of the top reasons for doctor's visits.
The article lists various back pain causes, including congenital to non-spine related and risk factors from age to psychological.
The article's recommendations for helping with back include medication, strengthening, stretching, and surgery.
One thing the article did not cover:
what you should stop doing for the health of your back and spine.
The picture below shows four everyday activities you may do throughout your day to move or for posture.
Each of these will put pressure on your spine and change the soft tissue (muscles, tendon, ligaments and fascia) in your lower back area. Eventually, the alignment of your spine will change and put pressure on your discs, spinal cord, and spinal nerves.
So the number #1 thing you can do is stop or modify the following activities:
Did you know that you have over 20 muscles that connect the base of your head, neck, and jaw to your rib cage and shoulder joint?
So, if you have neck issues, it may come from something with your rib cage and shoulders.
The same is true in the opposite direction. It may be from something in your head, neck, or rib cage if you have shoulder issues. The body can be pretty complicated. Often, where we feel discomfort in our body could be caused by a problem from someplace else in our body.
Example: If I always pull my shoulders down and back to appear to have better posture, this action will stress my neck. The movement of pulling the shoulders down and back stretches the muscles attached from my neck to my shoulders. My brain perceives the feeling of tightness as I pull the muscle long and tight like a...
Do you know the answer to the question below?
When you squat or sit down, do you tend to bend first at:
a. your neck
b. your knees
c. your low back
d. your hips
Hopefully, you answered d. However, folks often say knees; yes, your knees should bend when you squat or sit. However, it should not be the first place that you move.
You can see by picture (d) that as the person goes into the squat, the whole torso moves from the hips to the head.
If you stand up and place your hands on the crease on the top, front of your leg, where your thigh bone meets your hip joint, this is the joint or area where you should start moving when you sit or squat.
It seems like it should be easy; however, for many people, the first thing they do is bend their knees (pic B) or their back (pic C).
Initiating the movement from your hip joint will help save your knees and spine. It will also help with your balance. Bending through your hips...
When properly rehabbing a house, a plan is put in place. Depending on the house's history, it may require a multi-step strategic plan. It may need need to be updated to run more efficiently. More time may need to be spent on specific areas or systems.
When starting a health or fitness program, you need a strategic plan specific to your needs and wants. Like updating a house, it may take longer than the initial plan. Yes, that can be frustrating, and if you know from the start, you can manage your expectations when issues arise.
An example: Sally is a referral after being discharged from physical therapy. She has met their functional goals and still has limited motion in her shoulders, making it difficult to do simple tasks like reaching overhead into the kitchen cabinet, putting on her bra, and doing exercises requiring her arms. Sally has a complicated medical history, including several abdominal surgeries and ankle sprains. In just a couple of sessions, Sally has...
In part one of this series, we looked at posture. In part two, we shared the concept of working smarter, not harder. While both are essential for improving your flexibility, this one is the quickest way to become more flexible at the moment.
Let's test my theory.
Stand up.
Which side do you feel resistance as you turn? Or does it not feel as easy to move?
Is one side more challenging or uncomfortable to move overhead?
Standing with arms at your side and feet hip-width...
Injuries like falls, car accidents, sprain, strains, etc., and surgery can directly and immediately affect your flexibility. We will look at these in the future and their effects on walking, balancing, exercising, breathing, and flexibility.
There are some key elements we must include in our everyday life to maintain flexibility if we have had a history of injury or not.
Today, we will look more closely at our posture. From the time we were small, we may have heard, 'sit up...
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