Take the Flexibility Test

Do you know the quickest way to improve your flexibility?  

In part one of this series, we looked at posture. In part two, we shared the concept of working smarter, not harder. While both are essential for improving your flexibility, this one is the quickest way to become more flexible at the moment.

Let's test my theory.

Stand up.

  • Bring your feet comfortably together. Place your hands on your hips. And slowly turn your whole body as far as you can to the right.  
  • Return and stop at center.
  • Turn your whole body comfortably to the left.  
  • Return and stop at center.
  • Repeat the above two more times. Always stop at center.

Which side do you feel resistance as you turn? Or does it not feel as easy to move?

  • Place your arms by your sides.
  • Raise both straight arms overhead.
  • Compare side to side as you repeat this two more times?

Is one side more challenging or uncomfortable to move overhead?

Standing with arms at your side and feet hip-width apart

  • turn just your head and neck to look over your right shoulder.
  • Return to center.
  • Turn just your head and neck to look over your left shoulder.
  • Return to center.
  • Repeat the above two more times. Always stop at the center.

Which side do you feel resistance as you turn? Or does it not feel as easy to move?

Now, take a seat. Perch at the end of the chair, so your feet are flat on the ground.

  • Gently place your hands around your rib cage. Get a sense of where you feel your hands on your rib cage.
  • Gently and slowly take three breaths. Breathe in and out through your nose, gently sending the breath towards your hands.
  • With each exhale, allow the breath to come entirely out, pause and then inhale.
  • Next, place one hand across your chest at the level of your heart, and if you can wrap your other arm around your back, the top of your hand is about mid-center back.
  • Get a sense of where you feel your hands on your rib cage and back.
  • Breathe in and out through your nose, gently sending the breath towards your hands.
  • With each exhale, allow the breath to come entirely out, pause and then inhale.

Now slowly stand up. Repeat the assessments above.

Do you notice a difference in the way you are moving now?

Did you note the ease with which you are now moving?

Perhaps you noticed a significant difference in an area or a small change. That is the importance of breathing well to improve your flexibility.

This little exercise was not a parlor trick. Instead, it was an easy way to show the power and importance of breathing well and its effect on your body.

The common question is, 'how long will it last?'
Breathing, good or bad, can become a habit. It is worth spending time on it to improve its efficiency and effectiveness.

There are two primary muscles of breathing. When we breathe inefficiently, we use too many muscles. This overuse of muscles can create tightness and limit flexibility while depleting energy.

So how do you breathe efficiently?  

You can heck out this video and follow along.

If you feel you don't breathe well or know you could benefit from some help, reach out and let's schedule an appointment.

Breathing well is key to improving not just flexibility but also your energy, overall sense of well-being, better core control, spinal health, and so much more. It is so important that we are starting the 30 Day IMS Breathing Challenge on July 11th.

For 30 Days, you will have the opportunity to access a new breathing program daily. Need just quick reset midday? Check out our 3-5 minute recharges. Want to start or end your day with breathing? Take part in a more extended segment.

You can have access to the program for just $1 a day. You can watch or listen on your computer or smart device as often as you like.

Click here to register.

Please contact us if you have any questions!



50% Complete

Two Step

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