Do you struggle with 'good' posture?

Stand up straight, pull your shoulder back, lift your chest, pull your abs in, and squeeze your butt; these are common cues for posture but are they good cues?

The dictionary defines posture as the position or bearing of the body, whether characteristic or assumed for a particular purpose.  Various postures are assumed for many reasons, including the military, fashion model, and bodybuilder, also to appear thinner, taller, shorter, and others.  

What posture is good for the health of your body?

When we consider 'optimal' posture, it would ideally be efficient, meaning the least amount of muscular effort while maintaining alignment of the body's joints.

The first picture below demonstrates optimal versus suboptimal standing posture. 

The second picture demonstrates how to create a more optimal posture.

1. At the head:  Imagine a hook under the small bump on the back of the head, and it suspends your head towards the ceiling.  This will help lengthen your spine from the neck to the low back while relieving pressure through your neck and upper back.

2. At the glutes:  Imagine space between the glutes.  This will help create a more optimal alignment of the hip joints and the lumbar area of your spine.

3.  At the feet: Align your weight, so it is equal over the base of your big toe, small toe, and heel.  This will help support the alignment of your body over a broad base of support and lessen joint pressure in your legs and hips.


Posture is a habit for lasting changes and positive long-term results, awareness, practice, and integration of these cues into your activities of daily living and exercise. 

If you have questions about posture, these recommendations or how to incorporate them into your activities, reach out.  We can help,


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