Make Posture Easy


For the upper back and chest, if you struggle with discomfort in the upper back or between the shoulder blades, this is a must:

Your glutes are meant to be round, not flat muscles.  If you struggle with tightness in the front of your hips, letting the glutes relax will also help take the pressure off the front of the hips.

This one may be tough because it is related to aesthetics for many of us.  However, pulling the abdominals in puts pressure on your low back and hips, changing the natural position of the spine and hip joints.

Weigh the pros and cons for yourself.  Changing any one of these is not easy.  They likely have become a habit. However, the number of benefits that can be reaped with small changes can be priceless to how your body feels, moves, and breathes.

Not sure where to start?  Need help getting started?  Reach out today and let's make your posture less effort and get you feeling better in your body.


The IMS Team in Chicago


50% Complete

Two Step

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